Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Post 2

a) My sister is 2 1/2 years younger then me, we are the same height, if I did not color my hair we would have the same hair color. As we grew up I was always the bossy older sister who always told my younger sister what to do, which made my sister shy and not very self confident. I felt like it was my responsibility to be the role model for my sister and do everything right so that she had something to look up to. At first my sister tried to do everything different then I did so that she wouldn't be like me. But as we are getting older she is becoming more like me every day. We still have some differences because we are in different positions of the house, I have never been the only child in the house like my sister has and my sister has never had to experience something without knowing how things went for me first.


  1. I know how your sister feels. My oldest sister always told me what to do, but thats ok cause now we are older and that does not matter anymore. I was very happy that my sisters were older then me to tell me how things were going to happen. It was weird when they all moved out and I was alone with my parents. Its way better to be with everyone.

  2. Being the oldest is a whole different experience than being the younger one. I am also the oldest, and I feel, as you do, responsible for taking care of my younger sisters. I also think they are fortunate that they do not have to experience everything first. I am happy, though, to let them know what to expect with everything they will encounter.
