Tuesday, September 1, 2009

post 2--letter A

I actually have three older sisters and we are all very similar. We are all four years apart and there is 12 years difference between me and my oldest sister. The funny thing is we have all been ask if we were twins, triplets, and even quadruplets! Physically we all are very similar. We all have brown hair and eyes. Our noses are all pretty much the same. The only real difference between us is I am the only one with freckles. In school Tammy, the oldest,was in the chior, Rebecca, second oldest, was very good in Enlgish, Stephanie was good in science and she was able to draw, and then with me I am better in math then my older sisters. So all our brains worked a little different from each other. The reason there are differences is because some genes that showed up in me did not show up in Tammy, Rebecca, pr Stephanie. On the other hand they got things that I did not get.


  1. I think it is interesting that each of you have a different subject in school that you excel at. I have 2 other sisters. The younger one and I are pretty much good at the same things, while the middle one is really good at art. I bet it's nice to be able to ask one of your sisters for help in an area that is not your best.

  2. I think it is very common to excel at different subjects then you're sister but I agree that it is interesting that all three of you have a different subject that you are good at it. My younger sister is a very creative person, more of a type B personality and I am totally a type A personality where I have to be very organized and don't go with the flow very well.

  3. I think that it was pretty interesting that even though you are 12 years apart from your older sister you have been asked if you were twins. I am the complete opposite from my siblings. I am 4 years older than my sister and 6 years older than my brother. I am the only one that has blonde hair and blue eyes in my family. I think that it is funny that genes can be handed down from one sibling to the other.

  4. I feel like usually if one person is not the best at one area, there will be a family member that is good at what you are not. It is an unexplainable balance that is created with friendships, families, and relationship.
