Friday, September 18, 2009

Post 3

I think they only way people ever listen is if you make a big enough impression on them. The only way pregnant women will believe that their baby is being harmed by smoking and/or drinking is if you convince them. The best way to do that would be to show them first hand what these actions can do to a baby. Let other mothers explain to them all the reasons they regret making the wrong choice of drinking or smoking while pregnant & prove to them what could happen to their baby. Take those mothers who think that what they are doing to their bodies isn't affecting the baby all that much and let them look at the babies of other women who stupidly thought the same thing when they were pregnant & were later proven wrong. The only problem with this solution, or any idea for that matter, is that not all mothers-to-be really care all that much about the person inside of them. It is an unfortunate reality that a lot of mothers are perfectly aware of what their actions will cause & they just don't care enough to change.


  1. I agree they need to be shown what can happen and hopefully that will push them to make changes so that it doesn't effect their baby.

  2. I agree with you too. I think showing most mothers what will happen to their baby will hopefully help them want to quit. But you are right that not all mothers care about the baby inside them because maybe it wasn't planned or something like that, then they will not benefit no matter what program people try.
